Life is Better Together

Changing the world, one conversation at a time!

Why Coaching?

We all know that life is better together. But let’s face it, relationships can be difficult.
It can be intimidating to simply walk up to someone you don’t know and start a conversation. We worry about being misunderstood or even judged for sharing what we think or believe.

Coaching relationships provide more opportunities for personal growth than trying to do it on our own. Good friends who know us well make the best coaches and provide healthy feedback we need. Strangers probably won’t tell you that you have spinach in your teeth, but your friends will. We all need those special people who will give us perspectives we are missing. Yet, building supportive and in-depth friendships is not always easy. That’s where Journey can help.

Journey offers insightful podcasts and easy-to-use workbooks specifically designed to facilitate conversation and introspection. This innovative person-to-person style means no professional coach or mentor is required. Topics are provided to help you go deeper into a richer understanding of yourself and others. Plus, you have the freedom to share only as much as you feel comfortable.

Along the way, Journey provides an opportunity to explore your spiritual side. It helps you explore how to build healthy relationships following Jesus’ approach to caring for others. Journey can help you build healthier relationships and begin to change the world one conversation at a time.

Start Your Journey

Listen to podcasts with relevant and insightful conversations about building, growing, and evolving relationships.

Continue Your Journey

Get your hands on a couple of the “Starting the Journey” workbooks and invite someone to go through it with you.

Journey Deeper

Deepen your understanding of how your Journey story fits into Jesus’ greater story by getting “Journey toward Maximum Faith”.

Start Your Journey

Listen to podcasts with relevant and insightful conversations about building, growing, and evolving relationships.

Continue Your Journey

Get your hands on a couple of the “Starting the Journey” workbooks and invite someone to go through it with you.

Journey Deeper

Deepen your understanding of how your story fits into Jesus’ greater story by getting “Journey toward Maximum Faith”.

Our Mission

Our mission is your mission: to help you bring the best version of yourself to the world around you.

The Journey Coaching Podcast

Listen to our Podcast on your favorite app or on our website.