Journey Blog & Podcasts

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How to Win at Losing

Winning at losing? Don’t those things contradict? This week our hosts dive in to making the best of situations that feel like nothing good can come from them. Sometimes we can do everything right and can’t control the outcome, but we can control how grow from it!

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Ep. 6 – You Can Find Freedom From What Others Think

Journey Coaching podcast video podcast are out now! Listen to this episode here:

Join Dillon, Abigail, and Tyler as we find a freedom in a healthy balance between becoming over sensitive about what others think and a self-centered identity. Want to find freedom from external validation while also maintaining healthy relationships? Listen on!

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Ep. 3 – Sticks and Stones: When Words Really do Hurt

They used to say, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” And they’re liars… because words can hurt us, especially when they come in the form of gossip. Join Abigail, Dillon, and Tyler as they dive in to the motivations behind gossip, how to stop gossiping ourselves, and what to do when the gossip is aimed at us.

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Ep. 1 – REALationships: Better Relationships Right Now

Welcome to the Journey Podcast reboot! In our new series, deep dive dialogues we will journey beneath the surface to discover the undercurrents of our struggles and how we can overcome them through community and coaching. In our first episode, we’re discussing the difference between types of relationships, and how you can begin to develop truly life-giving connections today! Dive into the journey with your new hosts, Dillon, Tyler, and Abigail.

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